Tuesday 28 April 2009

Perfume Order Form

I modified a pizza order form sourced from (Pickering, Powers & Johnson 1996) and which becomes the following Perfume Order form.

French Perfume




Brand Name

Fragrance Accessories:

Body Spray
Body Lotion
Shower Gel
Body Mist
Body Roll On




Not long ago I wrote a web form illustrated below which is being used in my form for handling IT equipment loan requests. The web form is an ASP web page written by both Visual Basic script and Java script, which is running on Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) platform. Behind the scene, the program is very complex as it incorporates a lot of business logics. In brief, it serves the following purposes:

  1. Check the access right of users as a measure of security
  2. Capture the data from users
  3. Validate the data through the field controls, the client side programming
  4. Pass the data to the middle tier programmig for examination (the business logics incorporated in the store procedures, the middle tier programming)
  5. Click "Submit" to post the data to the database, the backend server (if no error is found)
  6. Repeat step 2 to 4 until the data is posted successfully (if error(s) is/are found)

Can you modify the script to process the form?

The answer can be Yes or No. It really depends on how large degree you have modified the scripts of the form. Normally the web form will not be workable in other system ( I do not mean the platform e.g. IIS or Apache) even though you have modified the source codes/scripts. Because the web form is just the user interface of the web application and the business logics would be embedded in the client side programming for "thick client" and in the middleware or backend server for "thin client". For the web application with think client approach, you can modify the scripts of the web form according to the business logics of your application and process it on your system. However, this is not an easy task, you nearly reprogram the application in order to make it to work on your system. For thin client application, this is much more possible, you only need to change the field controls of the form to meet the requirements of the business logics.


Pickering G, Powers S & Johnson R 1996, Javascript How-To: The Definitive Javascript Problem-Solver, CH08, HT0801.HTM, CD-ROM, Waite Group Press.

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